Hi! I'm Drone Pilot in training Aaron Avila


Thank you for taking your time to read my new Blog!

My name is Aaron Avila and here's my story https://stroketv.blogspot.com/p/a.html

My plan is to share my Drone Piloting experiences with you on every flight I fly. To share with you what and how I'm learning to become an experienced Drone Pilot. Plus share both live streaming and prerecorded videos from around the Sonoma and Napa Wine Country.

I'll be sharing videos and stills here in this Blog and my Facebook Page. So make sure you follow this Blog and like my Facebook Page to receive a notification every time I upload new content.

My goal is to become a skilled cinematic drone pilot some day! I'm fairly certain I will be among the very few one handed wheelchair bound cinematic drone pilots in world!

(Here I am at the park learning what over exposing film is)

If you like Drones, follow the creative force behind everything Stroke TV does with Drones Tom Illife. Like Tom's Page The Stroke Drone Project on Facebook. 
You can also checkout more DJI products on Amazon.

(Click on banner to like page)

I want to hear from you in comments! 



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