How a DJI Drone helped my stroke survival.
Hi, My name is Aaron Avila I suffered a massive brain aneurysm on September 17th 2010. Then two weeks later while in a comma I suffered a massive stroke. My stroke left me totally mute, half paralyzed and unable to walk. (It's been 8 years). I now speak with a speech deficit. I'm not going to go in depth initially but flying a DJI Spark drone gave me a w ay to express myself creatively for the first time since my stroke in 2010. I discovered drones through a friend from almost 30 years ago named Tom Iliffe. Tom and I lost contact for over 20 years. Thanks to Facebook Tom and I reconnected. When Tom found out I had suffered a brain aneurysm and stroke that left me half paralyzed and wheelchair bound Tom was moved with comparison. Tom told me that I may not be able to walk, but I can fly a drone one handed. What a life changing time this was for me! You see, one of the most difficult effects of stroke is it completely strips you of your abilit...
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