I Can't Walk But I Can Fly Progress Report

Hi peeps!
I'ts Founder and Drone Pilot in training Aaron Avila.
Read my personal survival story.

I have learned a ton over the last two weeks thanks to Stewart Carroll from Drone Film Guide in Ireland.

I've been told as a half paralyzed wheelchair bound one handed stroke survivor I would not be able to be a true Drone Pilot and I won't be able to shoot cinematic Drone footage.

Well, thanks to what I've learned from professional Drone Cinematographer, Stewart Carroll, I am certain I can do it!

My dream will be to be the worlds first half paralyzed wheelchair bound one handed Drone Cinematographer! 

So my biggest challenge was how to take those epic looking cinematic Drone videos with my DJI  Phantom 3 4k and using the stock DJI two stick controller when I only have one hand?
(Phantom 3 4k Drone donated by Drone Pilot Tom Illife). 
I named my Drone Pegasus.

Enter Stewart Carroll!

After watching countless cinematic Drone filming tutorials and Stewart flying stunning cinematic Drone using two hands I started to think maybe their right, I won't be able to ever fly a Drone using cinematic Drone filming techniques.

Than Stewart began to produce tutorials on the DJI Intelligent Flight Modes. If you don't know what Intelligent Flight Modes are, I'll let Stewart show you one of several video tutorials. 
Ready Stewart? And ACTION! lol

The light bulb went off!
The answer I was looking for!

Thanks to DJI manufacturing Drones with this Intelligent Flight Mode and Stewart showing me how to use them, I will be the worlds first one handed stroke survivor filming cinematic Drone footage!
I truly believe I can do it!

Brain fatigue! More later peeps!

Aaron Avila 
I Can't Walk But I Can Fly


Like my Facebook Page to watch my first 4k video upload! About a month out or so out!



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