Hi, My name is Aaron Avila I suffered a massive brain aneurysm on September 17th 2010. Then two weeks later while in a comma I suffered a massive stroke. My stroke left me totally mute, half paralyzed and unable to walk. (It's been 8 years). I now speak with a speech deficit. I'm not going to go in depth initially but flying a DJI Spark drone gave me a w ay to express myself creatively for the first time since my stroke in 2010. I discovered drones through a friend from almost 30 years ago named Tom Iliffe. Tom and I lost contact for over 20 years. Thanks to Facebook Tom and I reconnected. When Tom found out I had suffered a brain aneurysm and stroke that left me half paralyzed and wheelchair bound Tom was moved with comparison. Tom told me that I may not be able to walk, but I can fly a drone one handed. What a life changing time this was for me! You see, one of the most difficult effects of stroke is it completely strips you of your abilit...
I want to make clear to our drone community that my goal for my I Can't Walk But I Can Fly Drone Show is to learn how to produce a high quality and high valued drone show. I dream of producing a drone show we engage together on as a community. A recent show change is My Show Sponsor Tom Iliffe felt it best at this time to pull his sponsorship of my show. If anyone believes in my using drones to raise stroke awareness and is willing to sponsor my show, please leave me a message in comments. My future show objective: To work really hard on learning drone cinematography. I want to share what I learn with you and hopefully produce valuable content. I want to learn how to produce drone cinematic sequences. Because I have allowed myself to get buried with Stroke TV projects and don't have enough time to go cinematic film Lord Snort, the Bore Metal Sculpture, I must postpone next months show to the following month (12/1/18 @ 2 PM PST) I will m...
Meet my amazing teacher from Ireland (Click on Pegasus my Phantom 3 4k to launch video) I plan on taking one or two tips of Stewart Carroll's and practice them in my front yard and local park until I learn them. As I get this plan moving I will do a once a week livestream show on my Facebook Page. My goal will be to spend 15 minutes or so in a live chat segment at the end of each show. We can live chat to discuss cinematic Drone flying or any Drone topic. Like my Facebook Page Here I must warn you! I'm a brain aneurysm and stroke survivor with a speech deficit (Read my story here) so you may need to ask me to slow my speech rate down so I don't smash my words together. I don't take it personal so if you can't understand me, ask me to slow down. As I get more organized I will use the same numbering system Stewart uses in his tutorial so you know what cinematic Drone filming technique I'm trying to learn. Make sure...
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