Drone Show Presentation Change - Drone Over The Wine Country

Hi my Drone Community!

As I have shared with you before, I'm being live stream Mentored by a live streaming expert Roland Takaoka of DIY Live Streaming.

In our meeting today I voiced my frustrations producing my Drone Show and would he give me advise how to make a quality show people will want to watch.

First words out of his mouth, were, I needed to stop trying to use a slide show presentation show format.
Roland said "you're not proficient at them and you attempting to use them is pulling myself and my audience out of the live stream".

I imiediatly equated it to shooting cinematic drone to fast or jerky. It pulls the focus of watcher out of the scene.

So the first Saturday of next month 
September 1st (My Birthday) I will not be using slides. 
Please come see my show community! I would welcome any suggestions to build it! Let's build it together and turn it into a global movement! You willing to make a difference? Follow me! I'm a stroke survivor with a Drone vision.

(Click on banner to launch YouTube Event)


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