Today's Show Notes 9/1/18

My shows #1 Purpose is to use drones to raise stroke awareness!

In today's show I launch my first show with my new improved purpose. Read details in my show Blog here:

In this episode Rebecca and I took a ride out to Bodega Bay California. We went to film a Church next to the school used in the 1963 American horror-thriller film directed and produced by Alfred Hitchcock, "The Birds".
I will film the school and this location again after I learn drone cinematography.

The Church in my video:
Saint Teresa of Avila Church is a Roman Catholic church in Bodega, California. The white, wooden church with a steeple sits on a hilltop overlooking Bodega Highway. The church was built by shipbuilders in 1860 (Read more in Wikipedia),_California)

I must say after watching hours of drone cinematography of various drone cinematographers, you make filming cinematic drone look easy. Now that I'm just starting to learn how to shoot cinematic drone, I can say with total conference, Filming cinematic drone IS NOT AS EASY AS IT LOOKS!

I plan on coming back to this and other iconic locations like this to film again after I learn the craft of drone cinematography.

My live drone show format:
1) Live introduction and shout outs.
2) Introduce and share my featured drone show video.
3) Host a live Drone Talk Q&A Segment.
4) Close show.

Side note:
I have come to realize my wife Rebecca Avila has a natural creative brain for choosing locations and on location cinematic shots!

So in upcoming episodes I'll be asking Rebecca to get more involved in my shows creative process. If she chooses to get involved in future shows, I will let you know when Rebecca chooses a location or suggest a cinematic shot.

Are you willing to get involved?
I would also like to add a short live drone talk show segment. So if you're a drone pilot and have a camera and a mic, let me know in comments you're willing to let me interview you live in comments and I'll contact you.

Here's a link to today's show at 2 PM PST

"If you believe you can do something or can't do something, both are correct". Henry Ford

Positive energy your way drone peeps!
Your bro,


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