Look at me like your special needs Brother.

Try to be patient with my posting a lot! To let the few who follow me know why I post so much. This is my authentic me, expressing myself. Look at me like your special needs Brother. I suffered a massive brain aneurysm on September 17th 2010 and then two weeks later I suffered a massive stroke. My stroke left me half paralyzed, unable to walk anymore, wheelchair bound, with a serious speech deficit and many many other issues. You can read my survival story here https://icantwalkbuticanfly.blogspot.com/p/my-story.html I have spent the last eight years of my life, unable to walk, bound to a wheelchair. So why does that influence how much I post? Because I have received 99% of my social interaction with the outside world for the last eight years behind my computer, bound to a wheelchair. My computer is pretty much my only connection to you my other human brother and sisters. You are my world. But please, never feel sorry for me! My life is truly amazing! You see, through this life changin...